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Rabu, 21 Januari 2009

A Girl’s Dream

By: Bidari Medi Sibuea*

Lulu was a little girl. Her age was twelve years old. She was like another child. Sometimes she played with her friends all day. As a child, she had many dreams. She wanted to be a doctor when her teacher asked about her dream.

“Lulu, what do you want to in the future?” asked Mrs. Sisca, her nice teacher.

“I want to be a doctor,” Lulu answered. “If I’m a doctor, I can cure many people. My father would not die if I were a doctor.” Suddenly she was in silence. Her tears fell down to her cheeks. “However, being a doctor was only an illusion. My mother could not pay my tuition.”

Mrs. Sisca understood how she was feeling. She felt guilty for asking her the question. It was impossible for Lulu to enter university as she came from a poor family. And it would cost them lots of money.

“Lulu, you are a clever student. Don’t be afraid! I believe that someday you will reach for your dream,” said Mrs. Sisca slowly.

“Thank you, Mrs. Sisca,” said Lulu. Then she went home. It took only a few minutes to get to her house.

On the way home, she passed a big toy shop. Sometimes, she stopped in front of it. The shop attracted her eyes. On the window, there was a beautiful and cute doll. It would nice if I could have the doll. Bit it was impossible to buy it. The price of the doll was 150.000 rupiah. It was really expensive. I did not have much money. How could I get the doll? She asked herself. She smiled happily and walked away. She knew how to buy the doll. As soon as she arrived at home, she saw her mother sitting down on the old small chair.

“Mom, may I get a part-time job?” she asked her mother.
Her mother just smiled when her daughter asked like that. She took a deep breath, imagining as if her husband had not left her. Her eyes stared to the emptiness. If the man she loved were still beside her, her daughter would not have asked such question.

“Mom, may I get a part-time job?” Lulu repeated her question. Her mother was very surprised. Then, she kept her feelings to herself.

“Lulu, you are still a child, 11 years old,” said her mother.

“Mom, I can do the work I am not a child anymore. I have grown up,” said Lulu as if she were an adult.

“There are no jobs for a little girl like you.” Her mother convinced Lulu.

“Mom, I have a job for delivering milk. Mr. Yono has offered me the job. But I want to ask mother’s permission first. So, may I work with Mr. Yono?” asked Lulu.

Her mother could not do anything. What she got from her job never be enough for a living. When Lulu asked her for a doll, she promised her, but she never kept her promise.

“Lulu, if you really want to work, do the job well. And the most important thing is that you should not forget to study,” said her mother finally.

“OK, thank you, Mom. I love you,” Lulu answered and then she went to her room.

Not for long, she could buy the doll. The money she got from the job was saved to buy the doll and to help her mother. Sometimes, she would be sad when she saw her mother worked too hard. She wanted to help her mother. Her father passed away when she was still a baby. She did not know her father. There was no picture of her father in her house.

In the morning she would run to Mr. Yono’s place. Mr. Yono’s place was only five blocks away from her house. It was not far. It took only five minutes on foot. Mr. Yono was a nice old man. He had small business that is milk business. At the back of his house, he had some cows. The ilk was put in to the bottles. Most of his neighbors are his customers. The milk was not only delicious but also cheap.

Lulu worked from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. After she delivered milk, she then went to school. She went around door to door delivering the milk. In the front of a nice big house, she stopped and rang the bell. The beautiful iron gate of the house was locked. She often passed the house but she did not know the owner. Neither did her mother. Perhaps the owner was so busy that they seldom talked to the neighbors. After few minutes, a little girl at the same age as her came out behind the gate. The girl was wearing a nice dress. It was beautiful. Both of the girls were surprised seeing the same faces. She smiled warmly to lulu.

“Good morning. Can I help you?” she said.

“Good morning. I am here to deliver two bottles of milk which your father ordered yesterday. Is it right that this is Mr. Adrian’s house?” Lulu asked.

“Yes, that is right! Are you the new employee of Mr. Yono? This is my first time seeing you. By the way, my name is Lala,” she introduced herself.

“Please, call me Lulu! I didn’t think that there is a beautiful little girl living in this house,” said Lulu.

Lulu was happy to have a new friend, Lala. She seemed to be a nice person. Actually Lulu wanted to go inside when Lala invited her to come into her house but she refused it because there were still many things to do.

She went back quickly to Mr. Yono to report that she had finished delivering the bottles of milk. Mr. Yono was happy and gave her daily wages, three thousand rupiahs. She was glad to take money and said, “Thank you, Mr. Yono. Tomorrow I will be back. I am going to school now.” Mr. Yono looked at Lulu with a smiling face.

“Be diligent! I will be waiting for you tomorrow,” said Mr. Yono.

Since Lulu met Lala, she often played at Lala’s house. Lala was not alone anymore in her big house. She was feeling lonely at home. There was no friend to play with. Her father was so busy that he often left her by herself. Her mother passed away when she was born. Fortunately, her father put a portrait of her mother in her bed room. She was a beautiful young woman. In the bed room she often prayed for her mother so that she would be happy in heaven. She had many modern toys. Her father often bought toys wherever he came back from abroad. Sometimes, she was bored because the toys could not talk. To overcome her boredom, she would play with her old age maid. However, after she got to know Lulu, her life changed so much as if a flower was blooming. Both of them played dolls at Lala’s bed room. Lulu was deeply shocked when seeing the portrait. The woman looked similar to her mother.

“Is she your mother?” Lulu asked doubtfully.

“Yeah, she is my mother, but she had passed away,” answered Lala.

“I am sorry to hear that. Your mother is just like my mother,” Lulu said.

When they were playing together, there was a knocking outside. The man opened the door slowly. He must be Lala’s father, Lulu thought. The man stared at Lulu deeply. She looked the same as her daughter, Lala. If people saw them, they would think that both of the girls were twins.

“Are you Lulu?” asked Lala’s father.

“Yes, Sir! It is nice to meet you,” answered Lulu.

“What is your mother’s name?” Mr. Frans asked.

Mr. Frans tried to keep his feeling when Lulu told her mother’s name. he was familiar to the name, Maria. He believed that Lulu was his daughter. Eleven years ago, he left Maria. He regretted leaving Maria. He took Lala and she took Lulu. He missed Maria. Then, he asked Lulu to show her house. He wanted to see her mother.

Mr. Frans and both of the girls walked into Lulu’s house. It was a small house. Lulu went in and told her mother that Lala and her father came to see her. She quickly ran to meet them. Lulu had told her new friend, Lala. What mistake did Lulu make there? Maria thought.

“You!” screamed Maria when she saw Lala’s father.

“Maria, I was sorry to leave you some years ago. The beautiful girls are our daughters. I have looked for you for years. But I did not find you. God helped me to find you through Lulu,” Mr. Frans said. “Lulu, I am your father and Lala, that is your mother. You are twins.”

Lulu and Lala saw each other. Then, Lala approached Maria. “I missed you,” said Lala. Lulu also ran to Mr. Frans. “I missed you.”


* Bidari Medi Sibuea is a Junior High School (SMP) Pangudi Luhur student. Her
nickname is Bidari. At school, she participates actively in the scout activity. Her
hobby is reading anything.


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